Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Comic Life

I have been trying to work on Comic Life to show everyone how easy it is to create a comic out of a series of photographs. I spent a bit of time choosing the layout but after that it was relatively simple stuff. I will show it to the children since they are the main characters in the comic about the rise and shine of DigiStory. I could only upload the comic as a film for the blog but within the comi Life software it is possible to print it directly.



  1. Hi Virginia...I had great success using Comic Life with a group of teens from Musselburgh during a Storytelling and Graphic Novel workshop. Using the programme we were able to showcase the kids' work in a professional fact, the National Library exhibited some of the material in their Graphic Novel exhibition last May. Glad to see your results.

  2. Hi Doc
    Thanks for your encouraging comments. I would love to be able to see the material you mention. My age range is 5-12 and the software is really popular with the 10-12's. What is the name of your blog? Do you have the comics online?
