Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Back from the Blues

I have not been posting for a very long time but this was mostly becuase I established a facebook page and also have been quite busy attending workshops on storytelling skills at new battle Abbey College and giving storytelling sessions. I was lucky enought to be able to give 2 storytelling sessions this summer. One at the St. Mungo's Museum in Glasgow and the other at the Scottish Storytelling Centre. The focus was Science Stories. Both sessions were given in conjunction with William Docherty another storyteller from Glasgow.

The focus of the session was to showcase storytelling as a suitable medium to enthuse children about science. I have been working on this for quite a while and will hope to be able to do a workshop on this topic later on in the future. I will be posting the stories which we wrote, as well as adapted for the session plus the activities we designed to get children to interact with the stories and with scientific processes.

I have had good feedback on this.